Tea Time Tuesday: God's View of Hospitality

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Tea Time Tuesday

“The heart of hospitality is about creating space for someone to feel seen and heard and loved. It's about declaring your table a safe zone, a place of warmth and nourishment.”

Shawna Nyquist

This morning I am sitting sipping in my Colorado home, praying for you, my friends. Life is made up of many “stretching” days. I was remembering one today and it set me to praying for you.

Crawling out of bed one morning, I was already weary and in deep need of my morning brew. As I walked from my bedroom to the kitchen, tension grew. Clay was concerned about our finances. Pressure! 

One of my teens was teary-eyed about a circumstance with a friend. More pressure. The other teen was grumpy. My third child was particularly loud, chasing the dog. My little one kept tapping on my leg to ask me to sit with her in her closet to play "beanie babies." This, before I had my first sip. I was spent to my toes. A little cloud began forming around my heart. I wondered if anything I did mattered. Many times I felt discouraged along the way. Have you ever felt that way?

My friend invited me to her house to meet her for a cup of tea. I entered her home, she had candles lit, music playing, a small cinnamon bun and a cup of tea waiting for me. I didn't know I needed kindness and sympathy. It was like a soothing balm to my sore heart. After an hour of pouring out my heart and being loved back, hope slowly filled my heart. She saved my emotional life that day and helped me to keep going. 

Teatime Discipleship is about the hospitality one friend offers another, to link arms, to say, "I am here for you" in a world that is draining and isolating. This week, could you offer "just one cup" to someone in need of encouragement and in doing so, you have done it unto Jesus.

More on today’s podcast:

Music: Horizon is acoustic piano Gabriel Saban

How many times are meals mentioned in scripture? How many times did Jesus eat with someone? 

God's heart for biblical hospitality. 

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