It is Inevitable that Some Days, Rain Will Fall

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It is inevitable that some days, rain will fall. It is an unavoidable part of nature. So is life, some days are dreary and stormy.

A friend of mine was talking with me lately over coffee. She was feeling down, desperate, depressed. Feelings of failure and “I don’t think I am going to be able to do this life,” had troubled her as she saw day to day of caring for children/home through the next relentless years. We all feel this way sometimes. Caring for children, mentoring them at home, protecting them from culture, providing for their needs… every day they need to eat, wear reasonably clean clothes, and have a need for love. Training and attention are not for the faint of heart! It is undeniably hard and it was for me, too.

Often, I get letters that say, “It must have been easier for you.” No, it wasn’t. I had many “rainy” days. When I asked my friend her source of discouragement, she had been reading different people on the internet that were so engaged and idealistic in their articles and goals, it made this tired mama feel she would never be able to accomplish what she needed to do.

The internet can make all of us feel inadequate, but is not our ultimate judge—God is for us, and has compassion and sympathy. He knows your limitations and understands your story. Please God, not others. One of the most important areas for graceful endurance in motherhood is to be yourself, accept the limitations of your own story, and decide that who you are is exactly who your children need you to be. There is no perfect home, no perfect mama, no perfect children. Rainy days will come, but the way you handle them will determine your ability to keep going forward.

  1. Give yourself grace. Decide to like who God made you.

  2. Some days are made for escape: go out for a drive. Order fast food—it doesn’t even have to be organic. Do something fun.

  3. Don’t make important decisions when you are down. Get sleep. Make decisions when you are sane/emotionally stable.

  4. Meet with a friend who gets your life. Take a break.

Tomorrow on Tea Time Tuesday, I will address more. Be blessed today, my friends. You are loved.

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