Obedience: The Action of Authentic Faith

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“Mama, why do I have to obey you and Daddy? Who said you were the ones who were right?” (From one of my children who wanted to do something they knew we didn’t allow).

Obedience is the action of authentic faith; “Children obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right.”

I often said to them, “God loves us so much that He gives us principles of wisdom that teach us what is right and wrong, what will lead us to a happy and productive life. God protects us by making painful mistakes in our lives by giving us instruction. But parents are God’s representatives to teach you how to obey Him. If you learn to obey us, you will be able to obey God when you are an adult and you are alone with out a mama and daddy to tell you what is the wisest thing to do in life. Mama and Daddy are God’s representatives to help our precious children learn to love wisdom, how to be wise in life. You practice with us so that you will be ready to follow God’s leading when we are not there to help.”

Many years ago as a new believer, I did a big, broad study on obedience in the Bible. We cannot please God unless we cultivate a heart that wants to obey Him. Jesus says if we love Him, we will obey him. It is not about being religious, or works oriented, or “churchy.” It is about having a heart to ponder His words and stories, His ways that He dealt with people, His love and then do what we can to obey His heart lessons. We grow little by little as we strength our muscle to obey, even when it is a challenge. Without a heart to do what God tells us to do, we cannot please Him.

To obey means to act according what you have been asked or ordered to do by someone in authority, or to behave according to a rule, law, or instruction. Obedience is the action of authentic faith. Jesus said, “If you love me, obey me.”

More on my podcast today: At Home With Sally

This week, I pray you will be sensitive to listen to the Holy Spirit, to obey what God tells you to do, to be a picture of His goodness, His truth, His love because of your heart to obey Him in the real and now.


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