Tea Time Tuesday: Bonnie Scotland

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When You are Scottish — the sound of the pipes can put a wee spring intae yer step or bring a wee tear tae yer eye.

Tea Time Tuesday in Bonnie Scotland

Sometimes there are places that wrap their vast beauty around your heart and hold you there with a sense that you are experiencing another world. From the first time I visited St. Andrews, I was charmed, inspired, and held such a sense of belonging. Maybe my life story has a history or legacy in the past that brought great joy or fulfillment to my ancestors who lived there. But every time I must leave there, tears uninvited spring to my eyes.

Kindness and friendliness ooze from the people I know there. The sing-song accent invites me into whoever I am talking to. Today on my Tea Time Tuesday podcast, I will take you on my trip to this small town and invite you to travel for just a bit into one of my favorite places.

Pilgrimages have been made to St. Andrews, the holding place of the bones of the apostle Andrew. People longing to experience a closer relationship with God, or those with heartfelt prayer requests would walk “The Way of St. Andrews Pilgrimage” for countless miles to experience the spiritual life of the cathedral there. It was destroyed during the Scottish Reformation but still holds a historical draw today. Lots of history you can read about this.

Some of my favorite authors of children’s books come from Scotland. You’ll have to listen to my podcast to hear about them.

Scotch Eggs are a favorite of some friends of mine, and there is a favorite dish that I cannot quite bring myself to taste.

Every time I visit, I sneak by myself into the ruins of the old cathedral that has heard so many prayers and shown such gentle and strong encouragement to so many through the ages. St. Andrews encourages us to leave a legacy of love, faith, laughter, dancing, and beauty. May you have a week filled with romance, love, laughter, dancing, and beauty this week! Do you have a favorite place that brings soul-deep joy to your heart?