David: A Man After God's Own Heart

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Of all the heroes of faith in all the stories in the Bible, David was called by God, “A man after my own heart.”

Imagine if a parent said this about his child. Basically, it would be a parent saying, “That child does so much to reach my heart, that child gives me such pleasure.”

David wrote poetry about His love and adoration of God. Do you write songs/poetry about how much you love and trust Him? David sang his songs for God. He attempted to capture the integrity of God’s love and care for him. He wrote love poems to God,

“The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not be in want of anything.” What trust! What a grateful heart.

How does David show he is a man after God’s own heart in the beloved praise of God as his shepherd—the one who protects, provides for, and restores his own? How can you show God that you are after his heart right in the midst of your story today?

Be encouraged by the podcast today on At Home with Sally.


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