Tea Time Discipleship for Mothers & Daughters

Tea Time Tuesday

As a 30 year old, I held my babe in my arms for the first time. I had almost never even held a baby before. Wonder filled my heart as I held this precious treasure in my arms and she looked up at me. I promise she was an angel baby and almost looked as thought she smiled!

As I looked deep into her beautiful little face, it was as though the Lord whispered, “You are holding eternity in your arms. This is my gift to you. Will you teach her that I love her? Will you whisper the glories of the truths of the kingdom of God into her thoughts? Will you shape such a home filled with ny presence that she will learn that I am her constant companion forever?

Somehow I knew that I was to be His agent of grace, treasuring this sacred trust.

And so it happened with each child, though I became more aware of His call on my life with each new babe.,

I invested a lifetime of building heart to heart connection through words of grace, rhythms of shaping thoughts, convictions, imagination of His goodness, beauty and love. These happened in all the moments of the days, and were underlined by the intentional special times when we would meet alone, share a cuppa of something soothing and warm, a treat and speak of eternal virtues that inspired a lifetime of joy.

I wrote this book for you, my friends, to lay groundwork for how discipleship happened in our home, for how our children embraced these messages, these truths for their own lives.

I hope this book will inspire ideas of how you can reach the heart of your own children with His messages, May you be blessed in your role as a mentor, a disciples of your own precious ones.

it is my sincere hope Tea Tine Discipleship for Mothers and Daughters will inspire, provide lots of enjoyable and unforgettable moments of growing close to your children as you guide them in forming faith for their lifetime.

Enjoy the podcast today and stories of others who have brought light and beauty in the world.

And order your copy of Tea Time Discipleship for Mothers and Daughters today.