Home Should Be The Best Place To Be

What greater joy can there be than to create a holding place for all that is sacred in life: faith, love, God, beauty, relationships, purpose, creativity, fun, safety, shelter, feasting? Home should be the very best place to be.

Homemaking—not in the sense of housekeeping, but in the broader sense of cultivating the life of a home—has to be done on purpose. The essence of a home, you see, if not necessarily a structure. What makes a home is the life shared there, wherever that may be. Cultivating the life of home requires intentionality, planning, and design. There must be someone (or several someones) to craft the life, the beauty, the love, and the inspiration that overflows from that place.

One cannot build what was not been imagined. And one cannot bring a vision to life without a plan. Early in the life of our family, I realized I needed that in order to build a vibrant, rich, lifegiving home, I needed to clarify my vision and construct a plan for our own unique community called "Clarkson."

These became the essence of the Clarkson blueprint, my vision for what home is and should be:

  • Home is the haven of inspiration where the art of life is expressed and taught. Color is strewn in every corner; delectable food is tasted; art, books, and other sources of beauty are placed throughout its rooms and walls

  • Home is the place where the whispers of God's love are heard regularly. The touch of His hands is given intentionally throughout the day, and His words of encouragement and affirmation lay the foundation of loving relationships

  • Home is the place where stories of heroism, sacrifice, love, and redemption are heard, embraced, and celebrated. These shape the dreams of the souls who live there.

  • Home is a place of ministry. Redeeming words, thoughts, and actions are shared and taught, the wisdom and instruction of God is passed along, and God's love is offered to all.

If you liked this post, you’ll love reading The Lifegiving Home. Get your copy!