The Mosaic Of Soul Development

When the home life of children is rich with excellent, classic literature and great stories, passionate Biblical devotions, rousing dinner-table discussions around sumptuous, tasty meals, lots of love and affection given and household chores attended to, a child will become committed to all that is good and excellent and develop a moral and compassionate soul for all the divinely important values.

Is it a messy process? Of course. No home is perfect or parent perfect and it is a journey of constant flux. It is the personal touch of a mother’s heart that creates grand civility, deep affection, care, and commitment to the foundations of a family. When the invisible strings of a mother’s heart are tied to the heart of her children through loving sacrifice and nurture, the stability and foundations of a nation become secure and stable.

A mother, living well in her God-ordained role, is of great beauty and inestimable value to the future history of any generation. Her impact is irreplaceable and necessary to the spiritual formation of children who will be the future adults of the next generation.

From Mom Heart Moments book.