Tea Time Tuesday: Peace in the Storms of Life

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“Jesus was asleep at the back of the boat with his head on a cushion. Frantically they wakened him, shouting, ‘Teacher, don’t you even care that we are all about to drown?’

 Then he rebuked the wind and said to the sea, “Quiet down!” And the wind fell, and there was a great calm!“ Mark 4: 38-39

Seems many are deep in the storms of life. Chaos is rearing its head in many places.

I have been thinking about Jesus, sleeping, quiet, at peace in the storm resting on a cushion. Like a baby, warm, deep breath sleep, soundly at rest—restoring, trusting, fret-free existence in the calm of slumber.

How? Knowing that his beloved Father loves him and will care for Him. Knowing the Father knows all things and is the transcendent, creator, ruler, compassionate, trustworthy One.

In my storms, I am timid, fragile, fearful, doubting. 

He knew I would need Him, picturing for me the “peace that passes understanding” amidst the gales and torrential, unrelenting issues of life, so that two thousand years beyond I would have an image of what it means to rest in the storm.

In some of his last words, Jesus had us on his mind "that they may know that you have loved them, even as you have loved me." John 17:23

He who loved and cared for Jesus in his storm, loves me just as much.

He who was with Jesus, is with me.

He is still the calm in the midst of storms, the peace and rest in the torrents, the comfort and lover and One who is powerful above all and still says to the powers that threaten, "Be still."

So, today, I am seeking to be in that vortex of peace, beauty, rest, calm because He is here with me.

Today’s Tea Time Tuesday podcast is filled with fun—a full moon and a proposal, one of my favorite series of books, gorgeous music, food, and more.

God, give my friends peace in their storms, a sense of your companionship as you are with them, knowing that you see them and love them.

Bless you today, friends.