Living As Mothers With Undivided Hearts

As a woman who has enjoyed a career of teaching, speaking, counseling, and writing, I have had to make many difficult decisions to cut my career opportunities in order to focus on my family priorities.

However, I have come to realize that embracing God's call to the duties of motherhood doesn't diminish my abilities to use my gifts, strength, and training, but fulfills a part of God's design.

If we want to experience the blessing of God and have a sense of wholeness to our lives: we must seek to understand his original design as clearly as possible. We will then have a map by which to travel toward God's destination.

But we need to do more than understand. We also need to commit to living as mothers with undivided hearts—dedicating ourselves fully to the task of building a home and nurturing our children.

As I see my own children now as adults, I am so glad that the Lord gave me the opportunity to understand this commitment in an early part of their lives. The cost has been great, but the sacrifice was well worth it. I can honestly say that my children are my best friends. No, they're not perfect—and neither am I—but we're all growing and blossoming in all areas of life. I see now that the fruit of God's design tastes sweet to my soul. And with that fruit, there are no regrets.

Read more about this in The Mission of Motherhood.