Dancing To His Music Through Life — SallyClarkson.com

Dancing To His Music Through Life

Midway through my mothering journey found me weary, discouraged, depleted. I wondered how I was going to make it the rest of my years with ideals and faithfulness. I took a mission trip to speak in several countries, (the Middle East, and Central and Eastern Europe). On this trip, I met many who were also down, discouraged. I was learning that difficulty is a part of the battle for those of us who are seeking to bring His light in a time when there is little support, or help for living out ideals.

On this trip, God put on my heart to write my book, Dancing With My Heavenly Father. I knew there was a way forward. As I rode on trains through countryside, I pondered how to grow more mature in dark times. Dancing became a metaphor for me.

As a wee child, my father, who loved music, would tell me to stand on top of his shoes. He would dance me around the floor holding me firm and stepping to the dance of vibrant music. I realized that this was a metaphor I could see for my relationship with God — He, my dance partner, leading me in my life, and showing me the dance steps to take. I followed His lead.

I came across this quote, “Dance like no one is watching, love like you have never been hurt, sing like no one is listening, Live like its heaven on earth.” (Mark Twain)

I wrote it in my journal. This I wanted to do — to choose to cultivate joy, to practice dancing, loving, singing, living into the reality of “kingdom come” through life in defiance to the darkness.

Then this quote inspired “And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who couldn't hear the music.” (Friedrich Nietzsche)

I prayed, “Jesus, please let me hear your music, let me allow you to lead me in a dance of faith.”

Sometimes I have to remind myself what it means in the waiting, walking through the days of my life. Yet, with every year, I perceive Him more grand, loving, gracious, compassionate, kind. I still my heart to listen to His music that I may dance with all my heart through the days He has laid out for me. The more I practice His dance steps, the more easily I can enact this dance as a way of life, daily, moment by moment.

May He give us grace to follow His lead day after day.
