Be Kind to Yourself, Patient, Give Grace

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Cappucino with extra whip!

What goes up must come down.

We are being depleted on a regular basis. We are human beings with limitations, but often, we ignore that fact, when we struggle or spew, we have nothing but condemnation for ourselves. Today, on my Tea Time Tuesday podcast, I read from one of my chapters in Well Lived!

Being “kind to yourself” is the only way to walk by God’s sweet, gentle, kind love and grace through our own marathons of life. That is what I wish for you today, that you would be kind to yourself.

What amazing meetings I have had in the past couple of weeks — 5 events in different cities, different venues, with hundreds and hundreds of sweet peeps of every age, lots of talking, giggling, estrogen, and great friendship, inspirational talks. Lots of adrenalin and energy expended!

I have indeed found over the years, that what goes up, must come down. Today is such a day. Weekends are off schedule, activities, sweets, church, friends, food — and then it is "getting back to the grind.” But today finds me flying over the ocean to my wonderful Oxford, the place where my stories and photos were recorded for my book, Well Lived.

Today is a day for grace — be kind to yourself day. Put beauty into your moments. Turn on music. Kiss a few people, hold their hands. Dance to music with a joy-filled heart.

Get a cup of coffee with an extra shot and whipped cream, as my friend insisted. Eat at least one square of dark sea salt chocolate. Forgive yourself today, put away anger and you won't be so grumpy, harsh. We all know that harshness creates tension — it doesn't create order.

"Mom, when you feel happy and sing and dance around the house, we all feel like we are on top of the world," said Joel.

Be happy, give your burdens to God. Everyone will be the better for your day. And so I am planning for a grace-filled days, a reprieve from so much work, so that I can be kind to my sweet people from a grace-filled heart.

I hope you will enjoy Well Lived.