Nathan's & My New Book: Uniquely You

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A few years ago my outside-the-box son Nathan and I released a book, Different, that detailed Nathan’s story of being a kid with mental illness and learning disabilities and my story of loving and raising him. We didn’t know what to expect when sharing our story but after an interview on The Today Show were blown away with the response.

In the years since its release we have received countless letters from all over the world of people who connected with our story. Not long ago, we felt God put it on our hearts to continue the conversation we began in different and explore further and deeper the beauty of the uniqueness God has created all of us and our children in. 

In our new book, Uniquely You, Nathan and I step beyond mental illness and learning disabilities and explore every way a child can be different. We have nine chapters covering topics of personality, learning styles, discipline needs, love languages, and so much more. We believe that every child is made entirely uniquely, and while navigating how to raise unique kids, God hasn’t asked us to fit our children into a constraining mold, but rather educate ourselves on and celebrate all the ways our children are unique for the purpose of helping them live out the unique story God has for them to tell.

You can preorder the book now wherever books are sold. It officially releases into the world on January 7th.

If you would like to have access to the course of ten short videos where Nathan and I discuss each and every chapter from the book, make sure to join our Life With Sally membership to follow along!