Tea Time Tuesday: Diligence: Character That Keeps Us Going Forward

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A gentle, cool mountain breeze wafted through the trees, the sun shone out from the clouds and finally, after a long winter, I went on my first mountain hike with Darcy Dog and a dear friend today. Such a beautiful gift. I tried to capture a precious moment of this gentle companionship as I walked through the mountain today, so happy to feel some warm weather once again. The whole mountain was singing.

Diligence is one of my ponders today on Tea Time Tuesday. Diligence requires attentive and persistent commitment in doing a task or keeping faithful to complete work, goals or faithfulness in relationship.

When we understand the value of diligence (to keep going when you feel like quitting, to determining to be faithful when you have an excuse to quit), we will have energy to pursue peace in marriage, to keep doing the work of home keeping when the tasks have been burdensome, to keep pursuing ideals, even when they cost us dearly, to pray and to seek God with all of our heart because we choose to practice faith when we cannot see what is ahead. How important to train our children to the great value of diligence in their own lives.

In a season where compromise and quitting is a common standard of life, diligence keeps us going forward, to pursue what is right until our commitment or task is completed and we have the satisfaction of seeing our hard work bearing fruit. To become more and more like Jesus and to reflect His character requires us to practice diligence as a way of life.

This week, I have hosted a very dear old friend. Her life inspires me to be my best self. She has inspired me to be diligent in working faithfully in my ministry for years. Enjoy our story on my Tea Time Tuesday podcast today. A fun story remembered, a tale of humility, and so much more on the episode. Have a listen. And know I am praying for you. Blessings and blessings to you today.