Cultivating A Foundational Wisdom Of Faith In Your Children

"And without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those who seek Him." -Hebrews 11:6

So often, I see younger women focusing on the temporal and being distracted by daily duties can take our eyes off the fact that the battleground for life is for hearts and souls coming to God and holding fast to him.

It is the issues of faith that need our fervent attention. I see so much how tending to the hearts and souls of my children while they were in my home has given them strength and fortitude to face the obstacles in their lives that come.

As I reflect on the ways we built such a faith into the lives of our children, so that, by God's grace, up to this point, they have held fast to their love and faith in God, was based on 3 aspects of faith.

1. All children and adults need to have a basic knowledge of the corpus of faith from Genesis to Revelation — the overall story of God as found in His word as well as the stories of those who walked with God. Read the Bible and teaching the stories over a long period of time. Little by little building your own knowledge as you build your children's knowledge.

2. Modeling the action of faith at each juncture of life is essential for believers to learn what is looks like to live everyday trusting God. The way a parent responds to a trial in faith is how a child will learn to live by faith. If a parent says, "Our God has promised to meet our needs, so let’s ask Him to give us wisdom in knowing how to approach this situation." By moving forward and trusting God, the child learns that trusting God is real in personal moments.

3. Finally, there is one last aspect: Faith is an action that moves us forward in taking risks to see God move supernaturally through our lives. If a parent tells a child to live by faith by taking his light to the world, then the parent should be one who starts a Bible study by inviting people to their home, or serving at shelters or teaching a children's class at church, etc. Faith moves a person to act for love of God. In giving, we receive — but faith is the energy that takes us to this active, engaging life with God.