Tea Time Tuesday: Cultivating Great Writers, Teen Peer Pressure, Movies, Books, Ideas & Fun

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“Nurture your mind with great thoughts, for you will never go any higher than you think.”

-Benjamin Disraeli

Tea Time Tuesday: I don’t exactly know how it happened. All four of my children are published authors and are insightful communicators. Often people ask me, “What curriculum did you use?” Our lives were primarily organic — living naturally with the intuitive and real circumstances of a day to day life.

One of the most distinguishing attributes of human beings is that they have the ability to communicate with words. We were all created to be message makers, to use words powerfully, to adequately give value to what is true in life and brings glory to God.

In the same way that strong health comes from eating organic fruit and veggies and consuming what is healthy, so a strong brain comes from ingesting truth, great thoughts, and then exercising our brains by discussing these thoughts and ideas.

Great thoughts become good messages from discussing and integrating many true thoughts in forming our character, and then acting on and practicing these great thoughts.

Our messages come from what we have cherished in our hearts, stored in our minds, or valued in our souls.

The student becomes like his teacher. So if the teacher is growing intellectually, communicating profoundly and leading her students in rigorous discussion about these ideas, the natural consequence will be shaping a strong communicator.

Then imagination grows as it connects all of the thoughts and ideas and a communicator/writer is born.

What are you, the mentor, reading, thinking, writing in your journal that becomes the real life curriculum for the messages you are passing on.

More on Tea Time Tuesday: Birds have nested in my wall; yellow pollen was in my coffee; I have some fun stories, great movies, interesting books, one of my favorite artists, and so much more. Hope you will join me and pass it on to your friends.


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