Why I Cultivated Teatime Discipleship As A Foundation

The most significant influence comes through an atmosphere of unconditional love, through pleasant experiences shared, through trust and conversations. It’s because of the commitments we cultivate over time and the willingness to be vulnerable and authentic that we bring about support and encouragement, communication and connection, respect and understanding — all the blessings true friendships have in common.

This is why I cultivated a teatime discipleship experience as a foundation. I met with my children individually over tea and over many years to invest these treasures in their hearts. Over many years, I built heart-to-heart connections with my children through words of grace, rhythms of shaping thoughts, convictions, and imagination of God's goodness, beauty, and love. These intimate friendship times were the space where I was able to build in them a sense of the truths that they could build their lives around.

Truth, beauty, and wisdom must be intentionally passed down. Rich souls do not exist by accident. Pouring into your child requires a commitment to what you most want your children to hide inside their hearts and souls and how you can encourage that to happen.

Read more about this in Teatime Discipleship for Mothers and Daughters.