We All Need A Place To Center Ourselves

Less than a block from my little fairy house cottage in Oxford was a winding canal with boats strewn up and down. I spent countless hours, walked hundreds of miles, up and down this canal in Oxford, much to my delight.

It became the place where I would breathe in peace and figure out what was going on inside my heart — so much that I wrote about these reflections in my new book, Well Lived.

One of the things I had longed for for many years was time and space and energy to cultivate a rich inner life. We must all take the time to find our center, to be able to ponder our ideals, goals, and the kind of legacy we hope to leave for generations to come.

What is your favorite way to center yourself and find out what is going on in your heart?

You can preorder your copy of Well Lived below. I hope it will inspire you.