Tea Time Tuesday: Finding Direction In A Chaotic World

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Every day of your life, you have the potential of leaving a godly model to follow, a kingdom message to believe, an integrity that is holy and a purpose that is eternal. God has allowed you the opportunity to touch eternity with your life by giving these gifts to those children he has entrusted into your hands. Live into your legacy and you will change your world forever.” 

(from Well Lived)

In a world where life can be confusing, messages about life are contrary, circumstances are taxing, women are longing for direction and peace of mind to know that their lives matter. We long to know that our lives can have meaning amidst the chaos.

God designed women to be strong agents of love, redemption, truth and beauty. The more clearly we can define our design and purpose, the more peace of mind and flourishing our lives will be.

For the next weeks, I will be uncovering some of the ways we can live well and leave a legacy of gratitude and grace while bringing light and truth into our world. These are messages I gathered over my 70 years that have lasted as values to hold to during this season of my life. I hope these messages encourage you.

Join me today on Tea Time Tuesday for a favorite book, the process of becoming queen of your own domain, a favorite salad, and more fun and inspiration.