Tea Time Tuesday: Building Spiritual Muscle — SallyClarkson.com

Tea Time Tuesday: Building Spiritual Muscle

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Tea Time Tuesday

Almost every day, I walk 3 miles — half in a morning walk and half around 5 o’clock. Walking is a habit of health. In order to get the benefit from it (stronger muscles, bone density, lower blood sugar, mental and physical strength, etc.) I must do it regularly, most every day. A day here and there does not build strength or health.

It is the same with our spiritual walk with God, developing spiritual muscle. In order to have a deeper personal faith, a foundation of truth based on reading God’s word, a habit of journaling and prayer, a trust in His goodness, a dependence on His counsel through His Holy Spirit, I must practice my spiritual walk as I practice my physical walk — as a discipline of my life every day.

As I was pondering the messages of my new book, Well Lived, I came up with 6 spiritual habits and practices that helped me grow strong in my spiritual walk, so that I can leave a legacy of a deep spiritual life. I will expand on these areas today in my podcast, At Home with Sally. I hope these simple goals will encourage you.

Giving Thanks—the Bible says it is good to give thanks to the Lord. I start out with this practice every day.

Reading God’s Word Daily — I believe that scripture is God’s vocabulary to instruct and lead us. We cannot be sensitive to know His wisdom unless we are storing His words and wisdom regularly to guide our decisions and choices every day.

Practicing Love — every day with our family, friends, co-workers, etc. God tells us to Love Him with all of our heart and to love our neighbor as ourselves.

Forgiving — Even those who have offended me. Jesus says we are to forgive as He has forgiven us. If we practice blaming and hating, it will poison our thoughts and relationships. Forgiveness cultivates humility and peace in our hearts.

Waiting Patiently — For God’s timing and direction, even if it takes a long time, even if I don’t understand. Patience builds integrity and perspective for others.

Cultivating Faith — Hebrews says, “Without faith, it is impossible to please God.”

I will expand on these areas today in my podcast. I hope these simple goals will encourage you. I’ll also share about: peach cobbler, a favorite book, and much more!
