Let Me Tell You All About Oxford

How can I properly describe for you my little world of Oxford? Let me tell you all about it...

Ancient churches where faith had been celebrated for centuries, with exquisite stained glass windows, were sprinkled throughout the town. Generations of believers have prayed here, been married here, been strengthened in their faith here. It was in such a church that I worshiped regularly.

At any given moment, I might pass a group of young, busy, bright-eyed students passionately speaking in a foreign language, probably discussing their thesis.

In waterways throughout the city, swans would glide by, elegant and regal.

Quintessential vibrant red English phone booths charmed me often.

The old, grand libraries encouraged significant thoughts, great words, and a deep love of learning for all who entered.

The stunning architecture would draw my thoughts to the people that had built this world for me to one day enjoy. It created a deep appreciation in my heart, that I would live in such a city.

And lastly, the lasting legacy of beauty, wisdom, and grace that many before me had left during their time in Oxford inspired me to write my latest book, Well Lived. Pre-order your copy today!