Today Is The Day You are Living Your Legacy

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What a dramatic and challenging week we have witnessed on our world stage. I pondered if it would be trivial to share about my book launch of Well Lived on such a day. Yet, as I prayed, the Lord seemed to encourage me, “Today is the day when a good legacy is made.”

It is when we are tempted with doubts that choosing to live by faith is most precious. When we choose to practice hope through the trying, dark times of life it what our children, husband, friends most need to see. When we are tempted to hold a grudge, show anger, criticize one who has hurt us but instead we choose to give love that our legacy of faithfulness is being born through the real days of our lives.

The Holy Spirit nudges us with wisdom, grace, strength to leave His light through this day, this time to leave a legacy of a life Well Lived. Today in the midst of the chaos and storms, our legacy is being written on the hearts of those around us.

It has taken me a lifetime to learn the truth about what it means to suffer in this world and yet live to see the grace of God. I want to come alongside others so they will not feel as lost or alone as I often have. I want you to know, my friends, that you are seen and loved in the place you find yourself right now.

Sometimes living courageously is our only option to show forth God’s reality as life often leaves us depleted, exhausted, and weary. But my friend, It is my hope that you will find the strength today to rise above your circumstances and choose to live a legacy of faith, hope and love. I hope that I an companion you in your journey in my latest book Well Lived, I will come alongside you as you continue to be life-givers and light bearers to a broken, hurting world. Because ultimately, that is the most profound and enduring legacy we can leave.

Praying for you, asking God to show you His companionship, His love, His grace in your day today. God bless you today, friend.