Opening Others Hearts Through Hospitality

In the busy hustle of Oxford, rare was the occasion when anyone would host me for a cup of tea. We might meet in public places, however, I found that the way to my friends' hearts was often by making buttery toast with jam and tea, or preparing a warm bowl of soup on a cold winter night.

Food was the instrument through which many friendships were formed. Secrets were told on the background of soft Celtic music setting the stage, stories bubble up in the flickering candlelight, sighs of burdens released were almost palpable. We had gathered together in a community of mutual need and saw the miracle of companionship formed in front of us.

These were the ways I opened their hearts to me. From my American roots, I learned to open my door to literally hundreds of people throughout the years, and found that the same invitations worked for developing friendships in Oxford.

What was your secret for making your dearest friends? How did you open their hearts to you and cultivate deeper connections with them?

Preorder your copy of Well Lived today.

Be sure to go to and sign up for my celebration evening on October 8, where we will all celebrate the release of this book into the world, and I will share stories lived and adventures taken in the land of Oxford.