Subduing The Domain Of The Home

Establishing and caring for a home is so much more than a decorating dilemma or an organizational challenge or even a call to love one's family. It is a commitment of heart, mind, and soul to the task of subduing a very specific part of the earth — the domain of the home. It involves teaching minds and nurturing hearts and shaping souls, in addition to getting the rugs vacuumed and dinner on the table.

To me, at times, this task has seemed almost overwhelming. But the example of so many lovely homemakers in my life has assured me it can be done with grace and patience. Every instance helped me to develop a vision for my home as a lovely gracious, lifegiving place.

This vision has kept me going through times of discouragement when my work seemed endless and thankless. It has helped me to keep my priorities straight and my budget focused. And because I knew what I was striving for, it has helped me to recognize the results when I saw them and give thanks to God for helping me shape my home according to his purposes.

Read more about this in The Mission Of Motherhood.