A mother's life is a whirlwind of seasons, changing from one to another without much warning, and then to another the next day. If your heart is prepared, you can adjust to whatever season comes upon you, weathering the changes with faith and grace; if your heart is not prepared, you will find yourself reeling and twisting in the winds of life, grasping for something or someone to hold onto.
This is what makes the changing seasons of your life meaningful and purposeful: God uses them to accomplish his purposes in your life and, through you, in the lives of your children. The seasons are not to be resisted but, rather, welcomed and embraced. It is through them, not in spite of them, that your faith will be strengthened and perfected, and that the faith of your children will be cultivated and grown. The seasons of your heart are the means by which God will prepare you and your children for his work, both now and for generations to come.
Read more about this in Seasons Of A Mother’s Heart.