Tea Time Tuesday: Live and Live Well

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I dedicated my book Well Lived to my precious Lord, who has held my hand, comforted me, taught me His ways, given wisdom and companioned me with grace, mercy, and love at each step of my journey.

It was when I was living in Oxford, my 70th year, that I pondered my life and realized that my pathway had been filled with His grace and light. Somehow, God led me to know and understand the truth and reality of His word, His guidance, His ways.

I believe that each of us has a unique pathway to walk, individual stories to live, precious personalities to exercise. We are made in the image of God has endless potential to live into His spirit’s presence in our lives. We have capacity to access spiritual truth and righteousness, to grow intellectually and share from that from a well of righteousness and truth. We have a soul that can create beauty and art with our lives. And because He is a God of unconditional love, His spirit can live through us to bring His love and affirmation, inspiration to those He has placed in our pathway. And we can know and understand vast and deep life-transforming theology from investing in His word and walking in His ways.

The way to live well, to flourish on the unique pathway of our lives, is to follow His wisdom, to obey His ways. It must encompass our thoughts, our inner choices, our willingness to live by faith, our commitment to take “Every thought captive to the obedience of Christ,” that we will be able to live all of our years well, to see His purposes and ways for us.

As a young woman seeking to follow His ways, I stumbled and fell along the way. I did not have others ahead of me to share from their experience or learned truth. I longed for understanding, encouragement as I followed the ideals He placed in my heart. It is why I wrote this book, in hopes that what I had learned over years might inspire other fellow travelers on the path of righteousness.

This world can be confusing, messages about life are contrary, circumstances are taxing, women are longing for direction and peace of mind to know that their lives matter. Join me on a podcast series on my book Well Lived today.