30 Books to Give Away and a Women's Revolution! — SallyClarkson.com

30 Books to Give Away and a Women's Revolution!

Giveaway What an amazing time we live in! Even though many dark challenges, and threatening circumstances greet us on the international news each day, as believers, we have an unprecedented opportunity to reach people all over the world with the love, truth, grace and inspiration of our wonderful God. Without even leaving my home, I am learning that God can use the messages I am learning from Him daily to bring hope to women all over the world right in their homes.

My sweet friend, Angela, and I are hoping you will help us reach more women than we could imagine with some messages that we think will be life transforming. It is not so much about the book we have written, but much more! Women gathering together in every region of the world to learn, pray, and worship together. That is what our hope is--and we need each of you to help us reach those sweet women who are praying to God for His encouragement. We can be His voice, His words of life in places beyond our imagination!

So for helping us, we have 30 more books to give away--and I will be giving away more bundles later this week, of my own books!


Angela and Me at the Mom's Conference in Dallas this year!

I love to see God arrange divine friendships and then to see His Spirit bubble up within the friendship to bring kingdom ideas to reality. I have hosted Leadership Intensives at my home the past 5 years as a way to pass on my discipleship training and messages to like-minded moms who are also leading, writing or speaking. Angela came to my home 2 different times for our summer Intensive.

We both love teaching women to study the Word of God, to know Him more personally, to help start small groups and to reach women all over the world in their own homes to be encouraged and inspired. And so, out of our late night talks and many phone calls, a book was born and hopefully a stronger movement than ever to see God's spirit bringing light and refreshment to women all over the world.

Tomorrow, Angela will tell you more about our ministries. But since we are hoping for countless thousands to join us this summer in our book club, discussion and Bible study, we are praying that many of you will help us reach your friends, neighbors, churches, small groups with this very foundational message of God's love.

If a woman truly feels and knows and lives in the unconditional, forever love of God, her relationships and her sense of well-being will give her life, strength, energy, patience and graciousness in every relationship the rest of her life. And so, even though love is often overlooked because it is such a common word, we want women to hear of and understand the uncommon love of God that changes people forever. This summer we hope many will give up the baggage they have carried for many years about inadequacy or guilt, and exchange it for a gentle and overwhelming God-love.

So, to make it possible for more sweet women to participate, I am giving away 30 more books--(15 Kindle and 15 print) for women who will help us spread the word about our book and book study! Invite your small group to join and anyone that you know needs to have a fresh dose of His encouragement!


We will tell you more about how you can join the book study in a later post, but above tells you a little about our book study. We can't wait to be with you and spend some time with you on video this summer. Blessings and blessings of His sweet love to each of you today!

a Rafflecopter giveaway
