A Child's Heart

The hunger for love, affirmation, attention, and acceptance is a deep drive that will search for fulfillent until it finds it. A child's first attachment is meant to be with its mother, so lots of loving touches and caresses from her make a difference in the child's future intellect, emotional stability, and sense of well-being. Time and affectionate attention from a father and significant others is crucial as well. However, if a child's need for such attachment is not met in the home, he will need to look for it from his peers or anywhere else he can find it. In order to fit in with those wiling to give him time, the child will tend to adapt his values and morals to whatever is required. At the same time, a child who does not learn to make healthy attachments and maintain healthy relationships in her family may have a hard time developing intimate bonds with anyone else in the future.

As a mother, I have the ability to provide the love, acceptance, and attention my children need to grow up secure and able to develop mature relationships. I also have the opportunity to model mature love, commitment, fogiveness,accountability, grace. and encouragement for my children. The home is an ideal environment in which children can experience the growth of a mature relationship where give-and-take are learned in the context of real life. And this ideally includes an understanding of the true power of God's love.

-Mission of Motherhood, Chapter Seven