Peddling as fast as their short pudgy legs would pump, two ruddy faced, puffing and deeply intent little boys came racing up beside me on red bikes to see who could reach me first.
"Hey, mam, what is the name of your dog? Can we pet it?"
I was out for a late Sunday afternoon walk on a glorious Colorado day with my golden retriever, Kelcey.
Chattering, laughing, petting, "How old is this dog? She's big!" and "Where do you live? We found an amazing hill to race our bikes on, but we won't run over you," burst forth the words one on top of another. The glory of young manhood was at its best.
Oh, how I love childhood years. Each day is a miracle.
I am writing to you, little children, because your sins have been forgiven you for His name’s sake. 13 I am writing to you, fathers, because you know Him who has been from the beginning. I am writing to you, young men, because you have overcome the evil one. I have written to you, children, because you know the Father. I have written to you, fathers, because you know Him who has been from the beginning. I have written to you, young men, because you are strong, and the word of God abides in you, and you have overcome the evil one. I John 2:12-14
The Bible seems to divide the life of people into three phases. Childhood, young adulthood and adulthood, according to my sweet learned husband. Both the Old Testament refers to words that describe such an age as well as the New Testament, as seen here in John.
In our home, we treated our children differently at each phase. Each new level of life came with new training and responsibility in order to give them a heart for our King and for His kingdom. I believe that there are many paths to teach these principles, but no matter what path you take, it all involves very intentional and purposeful training and planning.
Warrior building will be a theme in my writing for the next few days and how a home brings life to the faith, the dreams, and the scope of character to a child's life. Helping our children to understand and perceive that they are quite influential and made to be quite crucial in extending the influence of the Kingdom of God in their lifetime is a foundational theme that must be taught and embraced in their inner being and self-image, from the point of view of God's design and purpose for them. But this perception comes about with intentionality. The home is God's perfect place for passing on these eternal values. Crafting such a home is an art and one of the greatest calls a mother can fulfill. And so I will delight in writing all about what I have learned.
I wanted to extend my heart-felt thanks for so many emails, comments, facebook comments and tweets. I am so blessed to be in such a great company of kindred spirits. There are times that the buzz of my personal life overwhelms me. I am just a mom and wife and love my home and family. I get thousands of emails, comments, tweets, fb comments a month. I receive about 20-30 requests for speaking engagements, about 15-20 requests for book endorsements or promote my blog requests, and so may other letters and questions. I am so honored to have so many wonderful friends who read and participate in ministry with our family in encouraging and reaching other families.
However, I find myself beyond my limits and am continually seeking to find a centered life, with my priorities somewhat balanced with my Lord, my husband, my children and my local teaching. (I am currently teaching 3 Bible studies, as my passion is discipleship.)
I am so very sorry I am not able to answer all of my requests and letters. How I would love to have each of you in my home for a cup of tea, where we could truly visit and share our heart issues. Please forgive me if it seems I may have neglected you. It is not intentional. I am just trying to stay faithful to keeping a quiet life at home. But I do pray for my sweet friends and readers, that you will find Him, our gracious Father, to be ready to instruct, love, encourage and sustain you in your own homes, and that my words will encourage you just a little along this path. May He bless you abundantly this day.