Cheer for your Weekend from The Lifegiving Home

12622074_10153151939742202_4399087157033057501_o What if there was an army of light bearers spread all over the world at outposts where people could come to feel the touch of God, understand the truth of God, experience the beauty of God, witness the joy of God in the place called Home where the reality of God was celebrated every day?


The goodwill of mothers is like the goodwill of God.


home is the place where love makes us welcome, a shelter from which we will not be expelled.



Food is the universal language that eases hearts to open, tying secure knots of intimacy while satisfying bodily hunger, weaving tiny threads of kindred needs into friendship, camaraderie, and truth.



Home is a huge treasure chest filled with the riches of love, feasts, inspiration, great stories, sacrificial love, and all that a heart needs to grow strong and good.


May your home be filled with peace and rest this weekend. Wishing you grace. Thanks to all of you who have been so exceedingly gracious and encouraging about our newest book. You have indeed brought a smile to our hearts and fill us with joy.


Enjoy more inspiration from The Lifegiving Home and The Lifegiving Home Experience. You may find it an any of your favorite bookstores.



I hope you can join me at a web party on Tuesday night. Invite your friends to your home and celebrate friendship, inspiration and sweet fellowship about building a lifegiving home.

Gifts, recipes, printable posters, The 24 Family Ways poster, lovely offerings and a grand prize will be given away during the evening. Send this e-invitation to your friends and join in the fun. Register HERE
