Fall is probably my favorite season of the year (besides Spring!). I love the crisp air, changing colors, warm soups, traditions and family celebrations and the rhythm of life. And so, often we travel in the fall to see historical places and cities and towns when it is a little cooler and there are fewer tourists. This fall, I have the privilege and blessing of traveling to lots of places. I hope to see so many of you and have some personal visits. So, if I am coming your way, please mark the date on your calendar. Also, I would so appreciate it if you would help me get the word out! I have had lots of requests and emails about my fall trip and just have not been able to answer everyone because of lots on my plate. So tell your friends and let's celebrate these fun times together!
Can't wait to see you!
Here is my schedule:
St. Louis October 7
Hosted by Deb Giles
Fairview Heights Church of Christ
9955 Bunkum Road
Fairview Heights, IL 62208
Email Deb for more information: dgiles1352@charter.net
Chicago, September 8-9 at Apologia Live
A conference to restore and refresh moms with their purpose and Biblical calling to raise godly children.
History Trip
Two of my friends and I and our 4 children, have planned a history trip with our children for about a year. We will be touring Philadelphia,Boston and New York City! We will be speaking at each place one night.
Boston: Thursday, October 14,
(Hope Chapel, 35 Chocksett Road, Sterling, Ma) For more information contact: Jane Rattray, momx4js@comcast.net
Sally Clarkson, a popular conference speaker and author of 5 books on motherhood and homeschooling, will be speaking in the Boston area on Thursday, October 14, at 7:30. Sally has ministered nationally and internationally as a speaker since graduating from college in 1975. Since the late 1980s, Sally’s speaking ministry has focused primarily on homeschooling, Christian parenting, and motherhood. She will be speaking on The Mission of Motherhood: Celebrating biblical affirmation of the wonderful design for motherhood in God’s eternal plan for families and children. You won't want to miss this inspiring evening. Invite your friends. A love offering will be taken to cover costs.
New York City October 18, 7:00-9:00
Sally Clarkson will be speaking on the Mission of Motherhood and The Life Giving Home. Space in this New York venue will be limited. Everyone welcome. Please rsvp, so that we can know how many will be attending in order to set up the room with seating. Kristin Kill is happy to answer any questions and will receive your rsvp's: kristenkill@gmail.com (She will send you a map and answer any of your questions)
Location: The Stuyvestant Town Oval Lounge inside Stuyvestant Town found at 1st and 14th street in Manhattan. (Reached by the L train, by walking from Union Station or by the M15 bus line that runs down 2nd Ave.)
Philadelphia Wednesday October 20, at 8 p.m. in west Philly
Mission of Motherhood: Celebrating Biblical design of motherhood and cultivating a life-giving home.
This meeting will be held in a private home in West Philadelphia.
Contact: asimlaramee@gmail.com for more information
Relevant Conference: Harrisburg/Hershey
A wonderful blogging conference covering all aspects of blogging: building a list; writing well, marketing; developing meaningful messages, inspiring women, and so much more. This will be a great conference with many inspiring speakers, great fellowship and lots of time with friends and like-minded women!
Nashville, November 6
An all day regional Mom's conference at Fellowship Bible Church.
Your Mom Heart Matters Getting in Step with God’s Heart-Beat for Motherhood
This conference will provide 4 inspirational sessions on becoming a life-giving mother, building your children into a godly heritage, managing life with grace and becoming fulfilled in your calling as a mom. Lunch will be provided. A book table, fellowship, and music will make this a weekend you won't want to miss. For more information and to register, go to:
So, it will be a busy fall, but all of us are looking so forward to traveling, enjoying our adventure and seeing you. Hope you can come join me!