Jet lag and a house full of company has enclosed the borders of my life this weekend and my brain is quite empty tonight as I prepare a blog post for Monday. I have just returned from an international trip and hit the ground running with a very full Saturday and Sunday. My life did not allow for a podcast with Kristen this past couple of weeks.
Seems so many are enjoying our podcasts and we are happy to share. Thanks for your comments. They keep us going!
But instead, I wanted to share a talk that Clay and I recently gave at a gathering called, Hutchmoot for visual, performing, word artists in Nashville. Many of you know that our 4 children have all ended up with careers in the arts in some way. Sarah has written 4 books, Joel is a composer with several albums of original music and has composed film scores as well as orchestrated for many artists, Nathan is an actor and has produced his first movie, (on Netflix: Confessions of a Prodigal Son), and Joy who has ghost written a book, and performed in Theatre, speaks and does speech coaching and has recorded original music and produced an album with Joel.
Our children developed their own vision for their unique areas of work from growing up in an environment where inspiration, creativity, gifts and their unique personality had freedom to develop uniquely. Being entrepreneurs and starting ministries, conferences, writing books, film scripts, composing, designing websites, creating arts movements with acoustic musicians and authors, stain glass, cooking, baking, pencil drawings, calligraphy, mastering a number of musical instruments are all a part of our family culture.
Our friends at Hutchmoot asked us to explain how we created such an environment and someone happened to tape our talk to the "Creative artist parents" at the conference. This is the talk Clay and I gave several weeks ago. Hope you enjoy the podcast today.
How do you cultivate artistry in your home?