David is known as a man who was very precious to God. God called him a man after his heart. In spite of the fact that he committed adultery, had the husband of a woman he loved, killed, and was imperfect in big ways, God favored him.
Because David's heart was devoted to God and praised Him.
David knew God to be the ultimate lover, the one who forgave. The creator who always showed generous mercy, lovingkindness, patience and compassion. David was certain in God's love and it created a confidence in him and a delight to tell others about the amazing God he worshipped. David was not faultless, just secure in the love He knew God had provided. David knew that love was the attribute that most defined God and it gave him personal intimacy with Him!
When we are certain of God's constant love, our lives are filled with innocence of a child who does not have to perform to receive approval. But also, a grace to live each day free of condemnation. Today's memory verse for You Are Loved--our Good Morning Girls Bible study is a wonderful study of God's consistency. I looked these words up in the dictionary.
But, I think it is so helpful if we personalize this verse to ourselves:
Merciful: God is merciful to you, treating you with kindness and forgiveness : He is not not cruel or harsh towad you : But he Has mercy and will show it to you today!
Today, in your life, God is Slow to anger: He is patient with you, longsuffering, He will bear with you for a long period of time and you are not too much for Him, He will bear with you through all of your days.
Abundant: Today, God's love for you isplentiful, abounding, overflowing--more than you will need. It is His nature to pour out, lavishly, the love that will fill your heart and carry you through all of your struggles.
May we remember this verse today, memorize it and store it in our heart. May you walk in the reality of His generous, patient, overflowing love today, and may you be a vessel of this love to all who come into your life.
Lovingkindness: tender kindness motivated by expressing affection
Truth: a verifiable and undeniable statement of fact or reality
Do you live in this reality? Mercy, long-suffering, abundant and overwhelming, patient, kind and affectionate--towards you, now, every minute of this day. Let His love transform your minutes and your life. It is changing me.