Hearts Reflecting the Feast

http://youtu.be/JSkVAi-TuBE?hd=1 All of us who have loved and known Jesus have some truth to share with those around us who are hungry and yet, have no guidance and truth. Ministry is reaching out to those in our wake to share His words, His love, His ways, knowing that when we see Him face to face, we will have to give an account for all that we knew and how we invested those truths for the benefit of those around us.

Studying the life of Jesus has set me on a different course in my ministry. God could have become a king with miraculous powers, performed stunning spectacles for the whole world to see.

Instead, he came as a commoner. Down in the dirt with other sinners, he washed their feet, put mud on their blind eyes, drew in the sand. Rejoicing in the joy of mothers, he caressed children, tossled hair, smiled into their shy little eyes. Sympathizing with the broken-hearted, he told stories of prodigals, accepted the touch of a forgiven prostitute, as she poured out her gratitude upon his feet. He served meals, washed toes, gave words of life, cast out His anger upon the self-righteous. His words, "I am humble and meek, learn from me," continue to capture my imagination.

So, my life needs to characterize Him in me--the same serving, loving, giving, casting words of life and investing not just in the thousands or hundreds, but personal, face to face, life story to life story.

Last weekend was such a time, the sharing of lives, meals, thoughts, prayers, conversations, knitting our hearts together over His purposes, feasting on all that was good. Here, I leave you with some of their stories and the lives that were changed forever, because we were in His midst together. Their stories brought tears to my eyes. May they bring you grace today.

Mommy's Book Club is a multi- author blog where Gretchen Roberts and her companions read and post about books they are reading together. Gretchen shares about her time at the Leader Intensive, how she was transformed by seeing the beauty of who she is before God and why this will forever change the way she mothers her children.

Beside Still Waters Australian mom, Tara Marsh writes about faith, books, music and life down- under. She is talking today about journeying half way around the world for the opportunity to have grace and truth spoken into her heart at the Leader Intensive and the gift of seeing a living testimony in the grown children of faithful mothers.

Hope With Feathers is the journey of urban mom, Kristen Kill, as she discovers how to squish a life of mission, homeschooling, love and intention into a New York City Apartment. Today she is sharing about how when we are squeezed and stressed we see a clear reflection of what is in our heart, and how the Leader Intensive gave sweet rest to her soul.

Encouraging Hearts At Home Misty Krasawski is the homeschooling mom of eight children who writes to encourage the hearts of women in their high calling as daughters of God, wives and mothers. Misty describes the beauty of arriving at the Leader Intensive, the significance of a place intentionally prepared for her and how her time there made her long for Jesus and the promise of a heavenly home.

River of Life Lessons Pam Graves is shares about the joys of feasting and the blessings that are poured out of daily tasks like preparing a table. She is encouraging moms today to cultivate feasts in their own homes to reach the hearts of their children.

Encouragement for Moms is encouragement and real life stories of homeschooling from Mommy Jennie. Today she is sharing her new intentions and a renewed sense of calling from studying God's word.

The Need For Hope is where California mom of five, Lisa Hester, shares her heart for her family and what God is teaching her each day. Read her amazing story of God's provision and protection in getting to the Leader Intensive and what she learned about the gift of living out what we are called to be as women and mothers.