But God was gentle with me. He knew that in the midst of 17 moves, (6 times internationally) and very little support systems and criticism for almost all the ideals Clay and I would end up choosing, that I would need a best friend right in my home. So, in His goodness, He gave me Sarah.
I tried to be so healthy during my pregnancy and ate the right things and swam 5 times a week. Yet, when she was born, she had miconium-filled lungs, and couldn't breathe and was in the icu for babies for three days! Then I got the flu and became faint upon returning to my home. It was a rough start, but still she learned to nurse, even after the doctor discouraged it. And, she eased me into motherhood, as she was very responsive and gentle even as a baby.
From birth, she has been sweet, humble in spirit and kind. She is loyal and tenderhearted and always loved beauty. (You should see her bedroom, it is a master piece of bringing beauty to life in her world.) Now, don't get me wrong, Sarah isn't perfect--but she is wonderful and such a blessing to me. I don't know when we moved more from being Mother-daughter to best friend, but she has been the one who "got me" and still loved me and listened and encouraged and blessed. I thank you, Sarah, for being such a committed. loyal, loving, encouraging friend.
She has not had an easy life--as a matter of fact, there were so many obstacles in her life so many years in a row, that I once said to the Lord, "If you don't start being nice to her, she isn't going to keep believing in you!"
So, my precious, even though I am not with you today, I wish you all the blessings of God's grace and provision that would fill your heart with His love, grace, beauty and the ability to keep dreaming. I love you!
PS Would all of you who read this and are prompted by the Lord please pray for Sarah today? Always, of course, for her love and walk with the Lord to keep growing. But also, For direction as she sorts out her options in the next few months; for blessing on her writing; for a good and godly circle of friends and for, in God's timing, a loving husband! Thanks for your kind thoughts and prayers for my family. I so appreciate it!