"The people who were living in darkness, have seen a great light, on those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned.""
First, let me say how amazed, humbled and overwhelmed I am from all of the entries and comments last week in our giveaway for The Mom Walk and Journeys of Faithfulness, as well as the time of mentoring. Knowing that there are so many precious moms who long for a friend, someone to help, someone to talk to, creates in me a desire to figure out how I can help grow a network of women who would reach out to young moms in their demanding years of raising children. Let's pray for God to show us a way!
When Clay was still single, he dabbled in stained glass. This light house captivated his imagination as a symbol of what he wanted his home to be and so it has become for us in our own home.
The verse above, "those living in a shadow of death, a light has come," reflects what I have been feeling the past few years and especially the past few weeks.
When my children were very young, I used to despair of the many terrible things my children were exposed to--on the news, through movies, on all sorts of media and in real life. Even as I reflect on my children's lives: they have been through 2 shootings (one at our church where a very close friend and her family was personally involved) and another on Friday, with another sweet girl. (her video follows.); a devastating car wreck this weekend of family friends, the fires with friends losing their homes, and having evacuees in our home; two pastors who committed adultery; a couple of friends divorcing and leaving families abandoned; domestic violence near by; and oh so much more.
It did not jive with my Anne of Green Gables world that I wished for my children.
And yet, I heard His voice whisper, "Be still and know that I am God."
And so, I resonated with Frodo, in the Lord of the Rings where he says, "I wish the ring had never come to me, I wish none of this had ever happened!" To which Gandalf replies: "So do all who live to see such days; but that is not for them to decide. All we are to do is to decide what to do with the time that has been given to us…"
And so, for many years, I wished I had been born in another --more g-rated-- time--but I have finally realized that God chose this time for me, and for my children, that my sacrifice of praise was to worship God by walking faithfully, courageously, each day that came my way.
Yet,walking through these times with my children with the purpose of bringing His light, His love, His comfort to darkness and teaching and training them to become warriors of light, has prepared them for the many battles they have already, in their young lives, faced.
Giving hope, pointing to His comfort and truth, teaching His word, preparing them to become purveyors of light, is a call on my own life I did not understand as a young mom. All of the incidents we walked through, together; the many fears faced, the late night discussions in our home, have become the training and teaching grounds for my children's ability to minister to others and their strength and perspective to face the battles.
One of my friends, who is a Christian writer, speaker and leader, recently said that she thought the greatest Christians who have ever lived are alive now. Who can really know, but what if, .....,
This is one of the most strategic times in all of history to be faithful? to show courage? to live by faith in Him who is real and will redeem and restore all things? To live in the light of His resurrection, after the darkness of the night when he was crucified?
What if God has called you to be a warrior, a hero, a redeemer for such a time as this?
And so, each day, we say, "How can we be a light house to those in need of truth, wisdom, comfort to those in need and to send our children out, not as victims, but as those who have been redeemed and strengthened to become light-bearers in their own sphere.