Own Your Life, my new book--and free bonus gifts!

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I am so excited to share my new book with you!

Own Your Life book is a legacy of my life lived well for the purposes of God from seeing the faithfulness of God during every season of my life.

After over 40 years of serving Christ, 34 years of marriage, 31 years of raising four vibrant children, and ministering to countless thousands of women all over the world, I sense that each woman longs to have a purposeful life, filled with love, the goodness of God, and one that will leave a legacy. However, living intentionally must come from having a plan that fits into our busy worlds.  I learned a truth that has helped me my whole life--simplify, stay focused, live for what will matter for eternity, invest in real people. Paul’s words to the Philippian church always helped me to simplify my commitments, “But one thing I do … I press on toward the goal for the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.

Paul knew that he had to choose to own his life for the sake of Christ–he had one chance to live the one life he was given for God. It is a choice I made in my early twenties after reading Philippians 3:7-14 and have lived by ever since as a woman, wife, and mother. When Tyndale Publishing House asked me to write this new book, Own Your Life, I took it as a challenge not only to look back at my life of walking with God, but also as an opportunity to encourage and inspire women all over the world.

This Book is About How You Can Own Your Life

Don’t worry, that doesn’t mean doing more than you’re already doing, as though activity is the mark of ownership. Guilt is not on the agenda! Rather, I want every woman to be renewed and refreshed in a personal life vision with the conviction that you can say with Paul: “I press on so that I may lay hold of that for which also I was laid hold of by Christ Jesus.” I want you to find deep, rich, and meaningful fulfillment in the life of faith you are giving and living for God.

Each year, I am reminded afresh that our weary world needs a restoration of biblical messages and a challenge for women who have chosen to own their lives for God’s glory. Mary, when told by the angel Gabriel that she would be the mother of the Son of God, responded with faith: “I am the Lord’s servant … May it be done to me as you have said.” (Luke 1:38). She owned the life God was giving her. She embraced the legacy He had for her. Each of us will find God's favor and blessing when we are free to live the life He has created for us uniquely. There is a reason tea cups and coffee cups have meant a lot to me! :) Hope you will watch my short video to find out why!

(Can't see the video? Click here)

Specific Areas of Encouragement

  • Learning to love who God has made you, leaving guilt and inadequacy behind
  • Living into the generous, abounding and unconditional love of God
  • Finding peace, rest and strength to live the life God has given you
  • Discovering the ministry moments God has designed for you to engage in every day
  • Finding contentment right where you are, single, married or somewhere in between
  • Building a home environment that gives life to all who come there
  • Becoming the friend and lover of all, that God created you to be
  • Embracing your ministry of parenting and learning how to do it with grace
  • Building a long term story of faithfulness in your marriage
  • Leaving a legacy of a strong faith, generous love, an intentional life

Pre-Order Own Your Life! Plus, Gifts For You!


Own Your Life is now available for preorder! You can get order it from Amazon or Barnes and Noble.

Pre-order your book by January 5, 2015 and receive these special offers!

Pre-order One Book

Receive a FREE exclusive 7-Day Devotion by me to start the process of Owning Your Life.

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Pre-order Five or More Copies

Receive the FREE 7-Day Devotion plus a FREE study guide for small groups, a FREE 6-minute Introduction Video from me about the book, and five FREE beautiful, sharable, printable posters with quotations to inspire you to Own Your Life.

Buy on Amazon     Buy on Barnes & Noble

Pre-order 10 or More Copies (Group study!)

Receive all of the above plus a FREE personal greeting recorded by Sally for your Group that will be studying, Own Your Life! You will also be entered to win one hour of free mentoring from me and a digital download of Whole Heart Ministries’ new book: Taking Motherhood to Hearts ~ How to Start, Lead, and Tend Your Mom Heart Group (a 30,000 word book!).

Buy on Amazon     Buy on Barnes & Noble

In order to receive your gifts, you will need to send a picture of your receipt to momentum@tyndale.com (use subject OWN YOUR LIFE).

We can only become heroes in our own stories. I pray this book encourages women all over the world  like you, to embrace God's story for you, so that each day can become a place of blessing, meaning and grace as you walk in God's vision for your life.

Study it with a friend, with a group, or enjoy it in the quiet of your own home. I am so motivated by the stories friends have shared with me about their own lives and goals for this year. Be sure to see sweet women like yourself sharing their own goals of owning their lives on my Facebook page, HERE, and share a picture of yourself, family, or life and tell us how you are going to own your life in 2015.

Blessings and blessings abundant to each of you today. Thanks so very much for letting me share this with you!


P.S. I have some really fun news to share in the next few days. If you'd like to make sure you hear it, just enter your email in the email box on my sidebar to the right (and up a bit). No spam, just announcements and articles from my blog.

Sally's new book, Own Your Life, is now available for pre-order!