Go here if you missed part one, yesterday!
Walking up the red dirt trail in the gentle sun of a perfect mountain day, Nathan and I slowly wound around the green slopes, always climbing, and chatted about memories of our family stays at the Castle in previous years. Finally,
we crested the hill and came to a bench perched on the pine-covered hillside. It peered over a beautiful vista of mountains, trees, skies, and the spire of the Castle, nestled in the glen below. There near the bench were the tombstones of Dawson Trotman and his wife, Lila, who died within a year of one another. We caught our breath and sat down.
"I brought you here because it is a favorite place of mine to pray," I began, as the wind cooled us off. "Dawson Trotman started this ministry as an outreach to young military men who desperately needed to know the love and grace of God. Through his ministry thousands of young adults and college students became Christians and learned how to study the Bible and minister to others. He was just a normal man who trusted God to do great things."
As I warmed up to my story, I went on to recount for Nathan the history of how Dawson, a young man of God, had a vision for Glen Eyrie as a place to teach and train Christians from all over the world, and how he dedicated his life to "knowing God and making God known" through the ministry of The Navigators. But he did more than give his life spiritually for others; he also gave his life physically. Not long after moving to Glen Eyrie, Dawson was on a trip to New York to visit friends. On a water skiing outing, a young woman who couldn't swim was thrown into the lake. Dawson went in after her, holding her head above water until she was safe again in the boat— but before the others could reach him, he went under and drowned. He gave his life serving and saving others.
"Dawson Trotman was a great man," I said to Nathan, "and I think that God is making you into a great man too. I'm praying that, just like he did with Dawson, he'll use you to influence many people for Christ. I don't know exactly how he'll do that yet, but I am confident he will." I touched my son's hand and said, "I would like to dedicate your life to the Lord here today, in prayer. You are on the brink of venturing out into the world to discover the work God created you to do. But before I do, I want to tell you some of the special and unique qualities I see in your life that I appreciate."
I took the next few moments to remind Nathan of his many good qualities and skills—his fun personality and ease with people, his artistic and creative skills, his sketches and photographs, his ability to be such a good friend, his music, and his heart for the Lord and desire to serve him. "I can't wait to see what God does in your life," I ended. "Can we pray together to commit your life, dreams, desires for a wife, and your future work and ministry to the Lord?"
Nathan and I held hands and prayed together, yielding his life on this mountaintop to the Lord. It was one of those poignant, memorable moments that I will never forget. But it happened only because I took an opportunity to be with him and turned it into a moment to celebrate him and give his life to God.
Memory accomplished!
As we hiked back to the car, we talked and giggled and discussed lots of "stuff' that came easily to our minds. But my heart was full knowing that, whatever was ahead, we had together committed his life into God's hands, and that Nathan had let me, one more time, be a voice of truth in his life.
Be sure to click here to sign up for Nathan and my webinar two weeks from now--How to Love Your Outside the Box Kid!
Don't miss: Lifegiving Home Encounter live evening events!
Joel and I had so much fun visiting with several hundred amazing women when we traveled to North Carolina to host 2 Life Giving Home evenings with speaking and music. Many of you have invited us to speak in your areas and we are hoping to add more. But we are excited to tell you about two places we will be in the next couple of months. If you live in these areas, join us and tell your friends.
NASHVILLE AND SAN DIEGO FRIENDS: We're coming to your area! Joel and I will be providing exciting one-night events, including a workshop from me, a short concert from Joel, and an in-depth Q&A. Make sure you pick up your tickets soon!