My Heart is very full, and a few Christmas day pics

My Christmas present from Joel -- Enjoy! Christmas Suite, Mvt. I: For Mom

Christmas Suite - Mvt. 1 For Mom by joelclarkson

The Shepherd's meal--potato soup, herb bread, roasted nuts, cheeses, sparkling apple juice!

I had so very much in my life and on our schedule this year, that I never got to a Christmas letter. But I do send my love and thanksgiving for each of you who have written, sent cards, thoughtful gifts and prayers. We love and appreciate all of  you!

Just  little of the last 24 hours!

Our home is full of traditions and I am eating every single moment up with my sweet ones being home, kissing them and squeezing them more than I probably should--but they give me grace during these few days we get to all be together.  So fun to see that though I didn't know if the trouble of creating all of these traditions mattered, it was  going to the heart. Now, all of the kids look to these very traditions as anchors to their souls, that our family keeps all of accountable to ideals that we cultivated in our home. Such a blessing to have them all around and to see the invisible thread of life lived purposefully together that bind us so close to heart.

So much laughter--we are not always a serious or pious group--we could hardly be serious during the shepherd's meal last night when Clay read the Luke 2 passage--so many stories, jokes, quips and fun. We turn off all the lights, of course,  and eat by candle light, as was the night sky when the Lord appeared to the shepherds.

Then morning stockings, treasures. And going out to a favorite place for breakfast every year. We have not had the privilege of having family in our lives for many years, so to add to the day of fun, we go out for a sumptuous Christmas buffet and have traditional family pictures taken every year--with antics all the way--smile, don't look goofy, there is a ball coming out of your head, and so on.


Nathan, 21, Sarah, 26, Joy, 15, Joel, 24--funny to get one right!

I thank the Lord that He built family as a support system, nurturing place, holy to pass on righteousness in every generation--the working and sanctifying place of my own heart. To have invested these years by faith and to be blessed to have our own best friends--all of us quirky, but grounded in the foundation of the Lord. I feel very humbled and blessed for this season where we are today. Never is our life without issues and prayers and needs and faith to have to exercise, but when the Lord is in our midst, we stand strong together through all that is on our mutual plates!

I pray that all of you may know His grace, peace, love that binds hearts together and covers a multitude of sin, and the faith to hold His hand day by day until you see Him face to face.

Thank you, Lord Jesus, for giving so much, so that we could have your life day by day. We adore you and worship you today with hearts full of humility and thanksgiving.