Peace and joy in the midst of busy, busy, busy, demanding life seasons — SallyClarkson.com

Peace and joy in the midst of busy, busy, busy, demanding life seasons

My own little pilgrim Joy (minus hat and collar) having breakfast on the porch.

"I feel so guilty! It seems I never have time with God, lately," my sweet young mom friend said. "With a 1, 3 and 5 year old underfoot, if they go to bed, all I want to do is collapse. And I really don't feel like spending the little time I have left studying my Bible."

I really understand how she feels. As a matter of fact, I think that when I had children her age, I thought that someday my life would slow down and become more manageable. I am still waiting. I think my life is busier than it has ever been. It is easy to feel that I am neglecting the Lord and that He is disappointed with me when I am too busy. But, .......

Today, up early to have tea and spent precious time with Clay. Seems we need this early morning by ourselves to talk, plan, catch up, pray and be together because it is so rare! Then, taking Joy to work by 9. (Pumpkin patch--she is a pilgrim talking to school groups  for a month.) Sarah to the doctor and needs to meet after that about a trip. Joel wrote and has a big issue and decision that came up yesterday and needs council. Pick up Joy and take her downtown to driver's ed. Meet with friend. Errands in town to run. Wash the last night dinner dishes because it was too late last night to face them when the activities of the day were over. Having dinner tonight with friends at our house. Joy's friend coming over. Means straightening up the house. PIcking up Joy's friend. Doing Nate's favor which will take an hour in the middle of the day and articles to write, emails to answer, and and and.

His voice comes into my mind as I send up a quick prayer to not be overcome. 

"Be still and know that I am God. I am the one who calms the storms and fears of life.'

How is it possible to live with peace in the midst of this life? God has slowly done a work in my heart over the years. It is why I named this blog, "I Take Joy!" 

This is the day the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it."

It is a choice of my will, a choice to worship Him, in the midst of my busy day--this day that He created for me to walk through.

Today, this busy season of life, God sees me, He is with me, He goes with me every step of the way. If my grid from which I live and make my decisions recognizes this, then every minute is a minute spent with Him. "Oh, Lord, those Colorado mountains are so amazingly wonderful." (Today as I am flying down the highway on the way home.) Lord, show me what is on your heart today. I have a need to hear your voice (as I am driving home from the "Pilgrim Patch."

He speaks to me and reminds me, "I knew your days when as yet there was not one of them." (Psam 139) I know this season of your life, lean into it. Be with me in it. Live joyfully each minute I give to you as a moment alive to me. Celebrate my love in the midst of the mess and stress of it all. It is where true spirituality is lived."

"When you are with each precious person, live the fellowship of me in your midst. See this moment as one in which to serve, give a life-giving word, pray with them, serve them a meal with joy and goodness in your heart, wash the dishes as one who is civilizing and beautifying your home for me--every little moment of your acts of praise to me through mundane, normal moments is a time of companionship with me, if you will open your heart and your eyes." 

I realize again, that if Christ is in me, then Him living through me as I am going my way, means wherever I go, whatever I do, I can present Him, give of Him, love Him in the presence of every person who comes my way and in every task I must do.

My time with God is not just studying His word, it is every moment I am alive, opening the eyes of my heart, seeing Him, living in His grace, asking for His strength, resting in my limitations and His adequacy. 

So whether tending to a sick child in the middle of the night with sleep deprivation, or nursing a sweet baby with a toddler pulling at your leg or praying and talking late into the night with a confused lonely teen, or just washing dishes and cooking one more time, it is an appointment with God, a time of worship, a place to celebrate His presence, because He is there, close to your heart and so longing for your companionship--you spending time with Him in the midst of it all!

Now, on to my busy day.
