Our anniversary celebrating 29 years of adventures!

 This beautiful field of wildflowers is why I have been constantly crying and sneezing and scratching my eyes in the past 2 weeks!Hmmmmm---what is this about?

Twas the night before anniversary, and all through the house, not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse,

Mama drugged with allergy meds, and I in my jams, had just settled down for a short summer's nap.

When down on the stairs, there arose such a clatter, I sprang from my bed to see what was the matter.

Away down the stairs I flew like a flash, tore open the vent, and there in the hallway, the blaring sound clamored.

5:07 a.m. Allergy medicine cradled my body and mind in the deepest of sleep when suddenly an ambulance two toned sound startled me awake. Trying to grasp where I was and what was happening, I opened my eyes to see Clay jump out of bed, heading toward the place where the sound was coming from. Within seconds Sarah popped down the stairs with utter amazement and Joel was mounting up the basement stairs sleepily staring all around to see what was going on.

Seems we have an alarm system that we didn't even know we had and it was hidden in the heating vent below our stairs on our main floor. So stopping the sound required unscrewing the vent, and dismantling the wires that were connected to the alarm. How can you live in an home 5 years and never know you have it connected? After settling down from the noise, (which Nate and Joy slept right through!), Clay and I sat in our mom and dad chairs in the our den with cups of tea to soothe our frenzied minds. 

He looked over at me sheepishly and said, "Happy 29th anniversary." Guess this is a little like our whole lives--unexpected adventure and different interesting moments all along the way!

Anyone else out there having adventurous days?!