"And while he was still a long way off, his father saw him coming. Filled with love and compassion, he ran to his son, embraced him and kissed him." Luke 15:20
Surrounded by Pharisees and sinner, we read in Luke 15, Jesus told 3 stories to help those who were listening to understand the amazing love He had for those who were lost. This story shows Him, the Father, filled with love and compassion--he is hoping for the return of all of his children. Our God is the Father who would run to meet us and embrace us and kiss us and celebrate our hearts turning to Him. Simply amazing. Every time I read this story, it overwhelms me with the profound, humble, generous love of God.
Since the he was a wee child, cuddling next to me, my son, Nathan, has been the one who loved stories, he loved to watch, hear, read and act out stories. They spoke to his heart, inspired him, and gave him a picture of what a life of a hero looks like.
Nathan, as the prodigal, returning home.
"Mama, I want to be superman and change my world some day," he would say over and over again. Nathan has always wanted to change the world, just like the heroes he would read about in those stories. So it is no surprise that he is now trying to change the world by telling them.
Nathan my wonderful out of the box, ADHD, OCD, ODD, boy, wrote, produced, and starred in a film called Confessions of a Prodigal Son, a modern day retelling of the story Jesus told. I was sitting in my home in Colorado, praying that Nathan would find a job to pay his bills. But God had a much bigger challenge for him. During his quiet time, God whispered to Nathan's heart, "I want you to begin writing scripts that would reach teh hearts of others with my messages."
And so with a dream in his heart, no budget, Nathan wrote, raised money, secured actors, and produced Confessions of a Prodigal Son. His hope is that the powerful message will reach out to a broader world and offer a picture of God's redemption and a picture of his love and open arms to those willing to come home to Him.
Nathan stepped out in faith into a dark world with a desire to bring light and in this film to change lives.
It stars Nathan as the lead, opposite Kevin Sorbo as the Father (Hercules, God's Not Dead, Soul Surfer) and Rachael his then fiancee and now beautiful wife.
Today this amazing film comes out on DVD and digital and I so encourage you to watch this to support the story that so needs to be told.
Will you please help me spread the word of this movie and Nathan's story and share with your friends, and help me spread this movie as far as God will take it?
To celebrate the film's release, I am giving away 5 prize packs which include.
- 1 DVD of the film
- 1 Music cd inspired by the Motion Picture with popular Christian artists (Ellie Holcomb, Andrew Peterson, JJ Heller, a song by Nathan himself, and more)
- 1 Instrumental Soundtrack from the film composed by Joel Clarkson
Enter now, and share this movie and it's message with all who need to remember God's power to tell amazing stories with our lives through his amazing grace, love, and redemption.
You may purchase your own copy, HERE!
We would so appreciate it if you could help us get this faith-based film in the hands of people all over the world! Thanks so much for your support, prayers and love!