Sweet Friends,
I am coming to speak in San Diego next week and looking so forward to seeing many of you. I will speak at a leadership dinner next Tuesday night and then at a luncheon open for all! Be sure to register ahead of time to be sure to secure your spot. Have a great weekend! Here's the scoop!
Lunch With Sally Clarkson
Sally has written a number of wonderful books that tenderly speak to a mother’s heart. Please take a moment and look into the wholeheart.org website for information on her ministry. Some of Sally’s books are:
Seasons Of A Mother’s Heart / The Mission Of Motherhood The Mom Walk: Keeping In Step With God’s Heart For Motherhood
There will be limited space for this event and you must be registered to attend. Please cut off the lower part of this flyer and return it filled out, with your payment, to the address shown below. (Checks made payable to Christian Family Schools) No childcare will be provided - nursing babies in carriers are welcome but no strollers as space is limited. Emmanuel Faith Community Church is located on the corner of Felicita and Encino at: 639 East 17th Ave, Escondido, CA 92025. This special time is set apart for moms only. Lunch included and catered by Panera.
C u t H er e
Name ___________________________ Email ____________________________ Circle one: CFS Member $12 - Non Member $18 I’m currently a CFS member and belong to the CFS ___________________ support group.
Wednesday, Sept 29th - 11:30 to 2:00 PM - Emmanuel Faith Community Church - Escondido
Sally is, first and foremost, a full-time, stay-at-home-schooling mom. Her life
son — Sally is, first and foremost, a full-time, stay-at-home-schooling mom. has always revolved around her husband Clay, and their four wholehearted
has always revolved around her four wholehearted children-Sarah, Joel, Nathan
children - Sarah, Joel, Nathan and Joy. In addition to her ministry to her family,
and Joy. In addition to her ministry to her family, God has also given her a ministry to
God has also given her a ministry to other families, and to homeschooling
other families, and to homeschooling mothers, through speaking and writing. Sally grew
mothers, through speaking and writing. Sally is a nationally known writer,
up in Texas and New Mexico, accepted Christ personally her freshman year at Texas
speaker, discipler, and blogger (itakejoy.com) who also loves books, music,
Tech University, was active with Campus Crusade for Christ during college, and joined
British films, baking and tea.
staff upon graduation in 1975. She ministered at the University of Texas, lived and ministered in Eastern Europe under Communist rule, and returned to Denver to work with
Sally is no stranger to San Diego area homeschool moms as she has frequently
executive women and singles, and with Clay, whom she married a year later. She has
been a featured speaker at Expo. One of Sally’s “favorite things” is visiting over
always -based homeschool support
a cup of tea while encouraging moms in their role as wives and mothers. We believe you will be inspired and renewed as you enjoy a casual lunch and
(itakejoy.com) who also loves books, music, British films, baking, and tea.
“visit” with Sally.
What better way for
a mom to start the
school year than to
enjoy lunch with
other homeschool
moms and hear an
encouraging word
from Sally Clarkson
Postmarked deadline is 9/22. Do not mail after 9/22 - Non refundable after 9/20 Return this slip and payment to: CFS - PO Box 460416 - Escondido, CA 92046 Please do not contact the church.
Email questions to: info@cfssd.org
For the link, go here!