Maybe Spring Fever is Biblical!

IMG_5306_600x800It all began in St. James Park, near Buckingham Palace, a couple of weeks ago. Sarah and I were meeting on her spring break from Oxford to write a book together. I was sequestered in a small hotel room with a computer and was supposed to be writing a profoundly insightful book. It was just 38 degrees outside, but the daffodils were telling a different story. I had to take a walk to clear my poor little overworked brain. (and the above daffodil picture was taken 8 days later in Hyde Park.)

Every year, it hits me hard. And now, I just give into it, because I am a smart girl! :) Truly, there are times when I can't do one more responsible thing. I am a driven person, you see, and I can get a lot done--as all the moms in the world I know do most of the time, but.....

So, is it too early to have spring fever? Every year, it hits, I share my guilt with you, and find, it is not just me. Each year I write a little differently about spring fever, but always the symptoms are the same.

I may never write or blog or do anything productive ever again. Joy is here for spring break now, and we are just having a fun week. Mounting up over daily life right now in order to be responsible just seems impossible and overly demanding.

My house needs organizing. Groceries need to be bought. Meals must be made. Birthday presents for Clay, Sarah and Joy who have May birthdays,  need to be gathered. I still haven't unpacked my bag from 2 weeks ago--but I do keep it every day--and ignoring it! Commitments are piling high as I ignore them.

But, my brain is empty and I just want to play, or nap, or watch a movie!

I want to eat something wonderful without thought of calorie or fat or sugar--or washing the dishes--and all by myself with no one else to even taste my piece!

I need to answer correspondence.

 I have another book manuscript due April 30, but I haven't even tried to write anything this week.

Right now, I do think I am desperate for about a year off, with a maid to wait on me while I serve everyone else, and a long vacation or journey to a new place, (I love stimulation of new places as a break from the daily grind.),  long uninterrupted time with the closest of friends to some place beautiful and restful where someone cooks all of our meals and cleans up for us, probably a beach,  and no responsibility or calls or demands, and no one needing a part of me for one single moment. Maybe I would have Clay and me steal our children and escape to the mountains for a few days, if I could!

Or I would take the girls to a fun place where we would all just talk and play and talk and play and of course eat and coffee or tea a lot! Girl's club is what we call it.  (Yes, I meant to make coffee and tea verbs as we "do it" so much!)

Really, the truth is, spring fever has hit me hard, and very early.

So, is anyone else having spring fever? Anyone else out there need a mid-year adventure?

Just wondering............

Really........Really! Want to play hooky with me today?

What would you do to escape if you could?