Teaching Your Children Compassion

gift From the time our kids were old enough to listen, Clay and I told them over and over, "I wonder how God will use you in the world. I wonder whose heart you will heal or what truth you will bring." We wanted our children to think of themselves, even when they were little, as someone who had a responsibility to give, love, and to serve the people around them.

There is nothing more beautiful than watching your children serve, love, and reach out to another human. Everyone around us is going through their own personal battle that we do not see. You, or your child, might be the only person who pays attention to the one in need that you see today. Focusing children on serving makes a lifelong impact, and remember to do for one what you wish you could do for many.

Below, I am sharing a podcast story about my sweet hero-spirited boys, and how they had their eyes open for the people who God placed in their lives who needed their help and kindness.

[audio mp3="http://sallyclarkson.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/MH-141105.mp3"][/audio]

***Coming soon--another e-conference with Sally Clarkson that you won't want to miss. MHFL Button