The patting hand of Joy

Three miscarriages into my motherhood, one of which I had almost died and had to be whisked to the emergency room to save my life, had left me with one more moment of, "God, I know it is not reasonable to ask you for this miracle," sort of prayer. But God says, "Without faith, it is impossible to please Him," right? And so one of the most profound times of perservering in prayer in my life, was praying, asking, begging, against all odds, for one more little baby, when I was 41 years old and soon to be beyond child bearing. But by my forties, I had fallen in love with my children and with motherhood.

And so that prayer was providentially answered, given generously and blessed my 40ish old life with my darling, overwhelmingly delightful, Joy.

And so this morning, I am missing her, while she is far off at college, but with a smile in my heart, because she often brings smiles to my life. And this is what I read on her facebook as I was closing out my day last night:

Confession: I LOVE that I was home schooled. Call me nerdy, antisocial, or culturally irrelevant... I know it's just cause you're jealous YOU didn't get to learn about the Revolutionary war in your pajamas whilst drinking hot chocolate. ;-)


And so I left a comment on her page:

"Your teacher highly approves of this confession." :) (the maker of hot chocolate)

It is in seeing the little things in life, his whispers, where we find our joy, (pun intended).

I wonder what it feels like to know that you are a very specific answer to prayer..........