What is our message?

God painted the sky for us as we were driving down the road......

Thousands of moms and dads are gathering in Arlington, Tx this weekend to hear lectures and seminars about how to disciple their children, how to build moral foundations, creating and environment of excellence as they seek the best options for educating their children. This is the destination for Clay and me where we will be speaking a number of times.

But what do I have to say? I still see sin and immaturity and selfishness in my life on a daily basis. A sink full of dishes still sends me into  irrational emotions. Never, not one day, have Clay and I been perfect.

Yet, my message is that the greatest work I have been given to do is to cherish Him, His kingdom, His message of redemption and to spread it as faithfully as I know how. It starts with our family and extends to the world.

My message is that the God who painted the sunset is the strength and wisdom that fills my paltry offerings of faith by seeking to do His kingdom work, takes my offering and makes it a supernatural work that will change lives and hearts for eternity. My basket of loaves and fish in His hands becomes enough.

I was talking to my children yesterday and said, "I don't feel adequate to speak to thousands of people most of the time because I have not found a formula that makes everything easy or that takes away the battle. But mostly, I just want to encourage."

Joy said, "But mom, we may not always do the dishes of pick up our stacks of stuff, but you have raised 4 children who want to change the world and bring His light into the world. That is your message--be true to the things that matter the most."

And so that will be my word this weekend. Grace, His strength, eternal issues, leave the rest behind and live in joy and peace. Selah.


We all need to recognize that our choices have consequences. Please join us today at MomHeart Online and tell us what you think ... is your heart faithful? Or divided? Share your thoughts with us as we discuss chapter three in The Mission of Motherhood! While you're there, be sure to enter all of our wonderful Mother's Day giveaways. And by the way, have a wonderful Mother's Day weekend. You are indeed the heroes of this generation. Bless each one of you!