When Life Gets Tough, Put On Lipstick & Podcast

Sometimes, we need to just stop life from invading every moment of our day and sapping us from energy and take the time to make a new plan. Rest, rest, rest. We all need to regularly rest to keep ourselves alive.

Recently, I asked my adult kids what they really thought mattered. Maybe you should ask yours:

This from nightly walk with the kids:

People---not things

Kindness not being right

True life virtue---not opinion or debate

Loving, redeeming, forgiving, extending grace...

Not judgment, criticism, self-righteousness, cynicism 

Living into His grace as a habit of living well with others...

Not striving to impress or earn love through works, accomplishment, status, fulfilling expectations,  influence,

Being intentional...not just frantically busy

Seeking Him, pondering Him, listening to Him.....

Not the approval of man or living by the rules of others or seeking to be popular but living happily within the limitations of life

Seeking the Kingdom and eternity.... not the kingdom or voices of the world

Honestly admitting a need, confessing a weakness or sin...

Not stuffing our insecurities and pretending to be perfect

Being humble and meek...not powerful and influential

Waiting for Him...not living in the flesh and striving

Living a life of worship...

Not living a life of self-fulfillment, but one focussed on meeting the needs of others

Being still and knowing He is God...not living a noisy, empty life

Loving well with words, actions, and setting an atmosphere of love and acceptance, not competition

These, my treasures, and another view from our nightly walk--irreplaceable.

When Life Gets Tough, put on Lipstick.