Whole Heart Mom's conferences coming soon!

This Month at Whole Heart

This time of year is always the most visionary at Whole Heart, as we try to envision and plan the coming 12 months of ministry events, books, speaking, and more. We have to jump in with both feet and all hands on deck (that sounds a bit awkward, but you get the picture). It's all we can do to keep up with God as he leads us forward. In all honesty, though, this is also our most challenging time of year financially when we need, more than any other time of the year, partners in ministry who share our hearts for Christian parents and families (see "Learn More" note at the bottom of this letter). We appreciate your prayers and support.  

Whole Heart EVENTS...
The Mom Heart Conference season is coming together. We'll have online registration pages up early in October, but here are the dates and states so you can make plans to join us. We also have some one-day Mominars and speaking events on the calendar:

2010 October 8-9: Chicago, IL, Apologia Live, Sally October 12-21: Northeast speaking trip, Sally (* see below) October 21-23: Relevant Blogging Conference, PA, Sally November 6: Nashville, TN, Mominar, Fellowship Bible Church 2011 January 22: Colorado Springs, CO, Mominar (tentative) February 4-5: Irvine, CA, MH Conference, Mariners Church February 18-19: Irving/DFW, TX, MH Conference, LC Marriott March 4-5: Raleigh-Durham, NC, MH Conference, Hilton RDU March 18-19: Open Date, MH Conference, To Be Announced* Sally will be traveling in the northeast with her history group in Philadelphia, Boston, and New York City. She is speaking in Boston and New York, and is willing to speak in Philadelphia, or meet with your group one of the evenings. Please send her an email to let her know if you would like to have her speak to your group!  

Whole Heart ONLINE...

We're still navigating a major online makeover. For those who care about such things, we're moving all of our online ministries to the WordPress platform--websites, blogs, and pages. The primary website at WholeHeart.org has already been moved, but we still have a lot of work to do on it (graphic updates, new pages, and more). A new website for Mom Heart Ministry at MomHeart.org will launch very soon, and a Mom-e-Net social network for mothers at MomHeart.net is under construction. Sally's blog, ITakeJoy.com, will move to WordPress this month, and we'll launch Disciplinology.com and other new blogs throughout the fall.

The main websites will also get a full e-commerce makeover, with upgraded webstores. We hope to have all of Sally's messages since 1996 online soon for ordering as single CDs or MP3s. We'll also be updating our Facebook presence for both Whole Heart and Mom Heart, and coordinating our blogs and social media. All that to say, stay tuned...we're getting there.  

Whole Heart PRESS...

Whole Heart Press is caught in a publishing "Catch 22" for the moment. We have several core books that have gone out of print that need to be edited, redesigend, and printed. We need them for the ministry to make money, but we need money to make them for the ministry. Chicken...egg. We're believing God for the funds to put these books back in print. Here are the books waiting patiently in line:

Educating the WholeHearted Child, 3rd Edition (Clay) -- Anticipating a December release from Apologia Press. Heartfelt Disciplne (Clay) -- Needs to be edited and reset for a fall or early 2011 release. The Mom Walk (Sally) -- Needs to be edited and reset for an early 2011 release. Journeys of Faithfulness (Sarah) -- Being rewritten for a pending contract. Early 2012 release. Just David (Clay, ed.) -- Needs to be reset for a softcover edition for early 2011 release.

We are also working on new books, but you'll have to wait until they're farther along to hear about them. We also have many public domain titles we'd like to put back in print, but we need to hire someone to do that work. And, we're working on books for Mom Heart Ministry. So many projects...so little us!  

Whole Heart MINISTRIES...

Whole Heart Ministries is an umbrella for different ministry efforts to encourage and equip Christian parents, which include:

Mom Heart Ministry -- This new small groups initiative for mothers continues to grow and expand. Although it is under the umbrella of WHM, it is swiftly becoming its own ministry. Sally's Mom Heart Mom-e-Letter will focus on developments with Mom Heart. Since you received this email, you will also receive the Mom Heart Mom-e-Letter. We recently had 50 women in our home in Monument for two days and three nights of Mom Heart Leader Intensive Training. Many of those women will help us develop Mom Heart Ministry with mom blogs, a Mom-e-Zine, the new website and social net, Bible studies, and more.

Whole Heart World -- Sally has encouraged parents and mothers in China, the Middle East, Australia, and New Zealand in recent years. Several of her books are in six foreign languages. We are looking into making ebook versions of our core books available to overseas parents. We are just one family trying to minister to other families, yet God is using us around the world.  

Please remember Whole Heart Ministries in your prayers. We are trusting God to provide for our financial needs this month so we can continue to help Christian parents raise wholehearted Christian children. May God richly bless you and your children as we enter a new season. Wholehearted blessings in Christ.
Clay Clarkson

LEARN MORE: If you would like to learn more about how to help Whole Heart Ministries financially at this time, please let us know so we can add you to our Whole Heart Partners email list. If you click here to let us know of your interest, we will send you a recent email that was sent only to our Partners list.GoodSearch: You Search...We Give!

MAKE A DONATION: if you would like to help now, click here to make a donation now by using Paypal. Thank you for partnering with us to encourage and equip Christian parents around the world. Whole Heart Ministries is a 501c3 nonprofit ministry, so your donation is fully tax-deductible. As a faith ministry, we depend in part on the generous gifts of supporters that enable us to fulfill the mission God has given us to strengthen families. We appreciate your partnership with us.

SEARCH AND GIVE: You can also help Whole Heart, and yourself, simply by searching on the Internet. Every time you do a search using Goodsearch.com Whole Heart will receive a donation. How easy is that?! You can search from their online site, or easily download their GoodSearch Toolbar and search right from your desktop (that's what I do). To get started, go now to Good. When GoodSearch asks, "WHO DO YOU GOODSEARCH FOR?" simply type in "Whole Heart Ministries" and start searching and giving. Easy. You can also use GoodShop.com to receive great deals and discounts, and the online site sends us a gift for us sending them a customer. GoodSearch.com helps thousands of charities and ministries, and has a sterling reputation. It's just a little bit from each search, but the more who use it, the more it helps. Thanks for helping!