You matter! Your Mom Heart Matters! Your children matter! Come be inspired and encouraged!

As January comes upon the Clarkson household, we begin getting very excited about the Mom's Conferences ahead. Thousands of women have attended one of these conferences and gone away refreshed in their vision of motherhood. After 15 years, we know that somehow the Lord strongly is in our midst and that this life-changing weekend brings life, excitement, inspiration and strength to the families of the moms who attend.

This year, I will be recasting a vision for the Biblical and significant call of mothers in this strategic time of history. God's design was to use mothers strategically in each generation to bring about civilization, moral strength, beauty and spirituality in each generation. God wants to use you to change the world for His glory, right from your own home. But you cannot do it alone!  We want to provide support, friendship, fellowship and strength for you to complete your task.

Messages both practical and inspirational will fill your heart. We know how depleted a mom can become, and so we want to consider her special needs for encouragement, grace and affirmation. There will be wonderful music, a great luncheon, workshops that give lots of practical ideas about how to have a life-giving home;  giveaways and a great book table with hundreds of choices.

For the first time, you will be hearing stories and ideas from lots of other moms just like you. We are inviting our moms from the mom heart intensive to share some of their best ideas with you, as well as a few other moms who have great mom blogs. We will address the importance of all moms finding God's grace and freedom and forgiveness in their own lives, also educating their children, no matter what educational choices one makes; traditions in the home, discipleship of hearts and finding fellowship with moms to provide fun, refueling and a prayer partner. You won't want to miss this special year of conferences. A wonderful book table with hundreds of offerings will give you resources to bring home.

Will you please help us reach mothers all over the country to be able to attend a conference in their region?

We have already given away two registrations to the Mom's conferences coming up.  Now is your opportunity to enter a drawing for 2 more conference tickets. (If you win the drawing and are not able to come to the conference, you may give it away to a friend or you will receive a $50 coupon to use on any book, dvd, or tape series from 12 years of previous conferences.)

For information on all the conferences, go here!

There are several ways you can enter!

1. Put the Mom Heart Button on the side of my blog bar into your own blog, facebook page, facebook wall post or website, and you will receive an entry.

2. Write a short blog article (not just listing it in your sidebar) and you will receive one entry.

3. Twitter about the conferences coming up and you will receive one entry.

4. Advertise it to your local support group, church group, homeschooling group and receive one more entry.

Fill out the form at: to let us know what you have done and we will tally your entries. We will do the first drawing December 15.

We are so very grateful for all of you who have helped us get the word out in the past  and we hope we can get the word out soon to moms all over, who need encouragement and inspiration.  Your invitation to another mom may just change their lives for eternity! Many dads have given this weekend every year to their wives for Christmas or Valentine's day, because their wives are so encouraged and energized in their roles as wives and mothers each year.

Your help keeps this ministry alive. Blessings upon blessings to each of you today! I so appreciate all of you who are partners in our ministry to moms. May His grace and peace be yours today.

PS If you leave a comment on this blog about the conferences, I will give you one more entry! :)

CALIFORNIA: We will be hosting a Possibili-tea for moms interested in cultivating a ministry to moms, at the Hilton Hotel, on Friday morning. We will also have a special reception on Saturday evening, for those staying at the hotel,  where you can speak to me and some members of my family and ask questions and just spend time together---a sort of pajama party after the conference. The hotel is providing 2 free buffet breakfasts with each room! 

IF YOU RESERVE A ROOM AT THE HILTON HOTEL BY JANUARY 4, YOU WILL BE ENTERED INTO A DRAWING FOR A FREE DINNER FOR 2 PEOPLE. (Reservations: 949-833-9999 (Hotel: select “0″ for hotel front desk; “1″ for national reservations line)


Register Here!